Sugar, toxins and blood tests

Posted: May 27, 2011 in LCHF/Paleo

I was checking out Gary Taubes Blog. Now if you don’t know who he is, he’s a Science writer, best-selling author and a featured writer of the NY times. He published an article in the New York Times called Is Sugar Toxic? A great article and explains my point quite well. Obviously I think it is!

What I like about this article is that Gary Taubes goes on to answer questions by his readers about sugar. Not many apparently were convinced that eating sugar was bad for them….Some people have a really hard time dealing with the fact that their sweet tooth is killing them.. You can read the questions and answers here.

The article has over 500 comments in this thread, so you probably won’t read them all but if you still aren’t convinced…. Gary Taubes posted his blood test results on his blog. He wanted to put to rest any speculation that he was going to die anytime soon from the way he was eating. (High Fat Low carbs like myself.) Here is a quote from his blog post, describing the types of foods he eats. Very similar to what I eat, though I don’t really like sausage..

Keep in mind as you go through these that I do indeed eat three eggs with cheese, bacon and sausage for breakfast every morning, typically a couple of cheeseburgers (no bun) or a roast chicken for lunch, and more often than not, a ribeye or New York steak (grass fed) for dinner, usually in the neighborhood of a pound of meat. I cook with butter and, occasionally, olive oil (the sausages). My snacks run to cheese and almonds. So lots of fat and saturated fat and very little carbohydrates. A deadly diet, according to Dr. Oz. Without further ado, here are my numbers…

Click here to see Gary Taubes Blood Test Results

As you can see Gary’s blood tests results including his cholesterol are in a normal range or better.. I guess Dr. Oz was wrong, Gary’s diet isn’t so deadly.. wonder how the Doc would respond to the test results? Yes, agreed Gary isn’t a doctor but there’s TONS of doctors you could invite onto your show Dr. Oz, that can give you the facts, they can explain this to you Dr. Oz. I’m afraid just because you have a TV show doesn’t mean you are necessarily right.. Why don’t you talk to:

Dr Jay Wortman, Dr. Walter WillettDr. Leo Galland, Dr. Edward Saltzman, Dr. Frank Hu, Dr Margaret Chandler, Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, Dr. Dahlman, Dr. Anna Issakoff-Meller, Dr. Steven Traplin, Dr. Annika Dahlqvist, Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt, Dr. Robert LustigDr. Eric Westman(Like him on facebook), Dr. Mary Vernon, Dr. Gil Wilshire, Dr. N.J. Robillard, Dr. Jeff Volek, Dr. Richard Feinman, Dr. Michael Eades, Dr. John Briffa, Dr. Davis, Dr. Barry Groves Oh and here’s a name of a dietitian too Valerie Berkowitz or how about a Fitness and Nutrition Scientist – Cassandra Forsythe

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