Fast #2

Posted: September 23, 2022 in Uncategorized

This past week I have been doing my second prolon fast! Over the past month I would say I wasn’t eating very healthy but honestly I wanted to see what foods my body could tolerate after the fast. Did the fast help heal some stomach issues I was having?

What I found over the month of eating is really not much bothered my stomach. I even had some dairy in the form of dip and usually that would send my stomach into rumbles immediately but while I didn’t have much my stomach didn’t make a sound. I ate all the things I shouldn’t over the past month and I didn’t notice one issue. But I did notice that inflammation in my body that I had gotten rid of from my last fast was starting to creep back up on me again.

This fast was WAY easier on me, I wasn’t hungry. I didn’t have issues with craving food like the last time and even made meals for the family and it didn’t really bother me as much as last round. The only issue that I had was in the evening on day 4 and day 5 I had aches in my legs. I tried taking magnesium and it didn’t help I tried to drink more water, didn’t do anything then I tried some pink Himalayan salt, didn’t do anything.

Because none of these things helped I concluded it wasn’t because I was deficient in magnesium or low on salts and minerals it was toxins building up in my legs. I decided that after much tossing and turning in bed I’d make a small glass of Fulvic/Humic acid powder I had left over into some water. Since it was a chelator that actually removes toxins I thought if anything might help me it’s this. So I drank it and within 10 minutes the pain was almost gone. I had some again the next morning when I woke up because I noticed the pain in my legs was coming back and again the morning of day 6. It made a huge difference and I honestly don’t think i’d get through the night with that pain.

My plan this month is to not eat all the crap I had eaten last month, I want to see how I feel in between my two fasts and if I can keep the momentum (and weight loss) going until my next fast and just build on that. Then I can compare the two months to see the difference in how I feel. This past month while I felt better the ear pain and back pain that had disappeared during my last fast definitely started coming back and I don’t want that to happen so I’d like to see if I can maintain how I feel right now for the rest of the month. I’ll be incorporating daily 16-18 hour fasts and eating healthier food, less carbs.

I’ll let you know how it goes! Wish me luck!

After the fast update

Posted: August 15, 2022 in Uncategorized

I have successfully completed my first ever 5 day fast. This wasn’t a water-only fast, it was a fast-mimicking diet using prolon. It was a huge success and my body managed to heal things I wasn’t expecting to heal.

I went into this fast hoping that it would clear up my skin issues. I have an allergy to the sun and when I go into the sun during the summer I break out in hives on my arms and feet mostly. I haven’t seen the bumps anywhere else but they get very painful and itchy and I am constantly putting cortisone cream or other lotions on them to help ease the pain. I have never had a summer where I had no bumps or dried-out painful skin. Until now that is! The fast cleared up most of the irritation and bumps. I can see a bit of red on my feet only when I have a shower but I don’t feel it. I can put on sandals and it doesn’t hurt when I walk and the skin on my arms is clear!!! That alone is huge! I was in the sun 4 hours yesterday (with sunscreen) but I haven’t seen any bumps appear!!! OMG!! I’m so thrilled!

The 2nd thing that I was hoping to help was my tremors. I have internal tremors and I have had them since Sept/October of 2021. They came on after my 2nd dose of the Covid Vaccine which was with Moderna. I have struggled ever since to contain it and minimize these tremors. It’s awful mostly at night as they wake me up and my whole upper body feels like it’s vibrating! I did manage to help get rid of them for a short time while doing my anti-candida diet with my naturopath. I’m not sure if it was the supplements I was taking that helped or if it was the low-carb diet. I think it’s the latter but while doing the fast the tremors were almost completely gone. The first day after I fasted, I felt them come back when I introduced more carbs but they slowly died down again after that first day. My body seems to have figured it out and the tremors are very minimal now and hardly noticeable. I am hoping after my next fast in September they will be gone for good!!!

The 3rd thing this fast did was help with inflammation in my knees and hips. Back probably about 4-5 years ago I fell 5 times over the winter months. Yeah, it was a horrible year walking to and from work. Between parking lots that were icy and my walk to work, I seemed to be falling all the time. Once I even slipped at the pool when I brought my daughter swimming, landing hard on my knee on the cement/tiled floor. Twice on each knee, I landed! My knees have been swollen and in pain ever since. Going up and down stairs is just hard and I go at it very slowly!! About day 3 or 4 of the fast I noticed that the pain in my knees and hips was much much better, to the point where I had no pain in my knees at all!! I also had hurt my back the week before. About a year and a half ago I slipped outside on the porch on a bit of ice going down a few stairs and I landed with my back on one of the steps. I pulled a muscle that stretches from my back all the way to the front of my stomach into my lower abdomen. Well now, I keep pulling the same muscle in my back while shovelling or lifting something and turning at the same time. But since the fast, the pain is gone!! Like 100% gone!!! It actually didn’t go 100% until the end of the fast but it hasn’t come back and I don’t feel that twinge of pain.

I was hoping to clear as well some ear pain/tmj pain that I was having but while it is better I still feel it so maybe fast #2 will work on that more.

I can’t say I’m completely pain-free but with a couple more fasts that would be a great goal to have. I still have some back pain in the middle of my back which has hurt since I was a kid! I have shoulder pain which is way better but certainly isn’t gone yet as well as elbow pain that’s still there but much better. My knees are about 90% pain-free and my hips are still on and off sore but considering I have hip dysplasia I mean the pain is pretty minimal compared to where it is usually at!!

ALSO!!!! My stomach issues are better, usually when I eat something that I shouldn’t my stomach is letting me know it’s mad. This time I didn’t get the usual pain and stomach gurgles I usually get. I haven’t eaten well since Friday, which is really more of a test but since we were headed to the movies and the fair this weekend. Healthy options were somewhat limited, so I took it as a chance to test my digestion. I feel a difference. The biggest difference I’ve noticed is with my anemia. I went 5 days without my supplements for iron during the fast. I had energy and was fine, I only took the 1 supplement a day that came with the fast. This is huge because usually before that time of the month I am feeling drained…especially if I don’t take my iron supplement. I had no low energy and no mood swings. I was actually very alert and energized on day 3/4 and since.

When I stopped the fast I forgot to take my supplements twice so far and it’s that time of the month that’s a huge huge no no for me. If I did that pre-fast I’d be dead tired!!

I am a little tired but it’s more because I was walking in the sun for 4 hours yesterday at the fair than because I didn’t take my pills. I feel pretty great and I’m hoping this will continue and I can wean myself off some of these supplements I’m taking. I’m going to do another fast in September and I’m hoping after that one I’ll do better with my food and then I can pay a visit to my naturopath for a clearing (dairy intolerances) and re-jigging of my supplements. Hopefully I can get rid of a few of them or change them…

Anyways I just wanted to let you know that things have not gotten worse. I have obviously gained back what I lost but no big deal. That was not at all what this fast was about. It was definitely about the healing and I feel that I have healed ALOT!! The next fast I hope will just be as awesome as the last. I have 25 days to wait in between each fast but on day 25 I plan to do another!! I’ll keep you posted.


Posted: August 12, 2022 in Uncategorized

OMG I have made it to day 6. I really really didn’t think I’d make it, especially towards the end of the night last night when I was like maybe just one bite of something. I had a whole conversation with myself in my mind where my belly was trying to convince my brain that it was ok to eat something because I’m basically at the end of my fast. Then my brain is like, nope you’ve come this far, don’t quit now. Imagine all the healing you’ll do while you sleep if you aren’t trying to digest food instead. Yes brain, you’re right. My brain won that fight but just barely!!

This morning I weighed myself but I couldn’t help it, I ate some food first. I had a few strawberries and blackberries and 3 rice crackers with some almond butter on them. Then I checked my weight and I was 198! Woo hoo, a new baseline for me and it’s amazing. I hope it just continues to go down from there. I’d like to get back to around 155lbs, which is where I was about 10 years ago.

It’s incredible that I have gone from 235lbs to 198 without barely any exercise. I mean I do some walking, I garden, clean up the yard, housework and walks/swimming at the camper but not much else. I haven’t done any weight lifting or cardio. I still lost weight. Just goes to show you, that it’s all about food and exercise isn’t 100% how you lose weight.

Exercise keeps your muscles healthy and food will keep everything else healthy as long as you eat healthy foods!!!

The struggle with foods right now is trying to figure out what foods my body considers healthy. I can tolerate some gluten once in a while, corn even a bit of cheese but should I eat those things? Does my body like it when I eat those, does it cause inflammation? Should I be eating steaks, beef, chicken, or pork? Would my body prefer a vegetarian diet? I really don’t know!! I feel like I can’t eat a ton of meat all the time, I just don’t enjoy it that much but I also really don’t enjoy eating vegetables either! Does that mean that I shouldn’t eat those things?

Anyways I’m happy to report that last night I had a better sleep my shoulder and my hips didn’t wake me up at all last night!!! I was so happy not to sleep on my back all night. I can’t say I slept well but I didn’t wake up in pain so that’s a wonderful thing. It seems like it cleared up a lot of that inflammation for me and I’m hoping with adding in some light weight training in the coming weeks till my next 5-day round It’ll only get better from here!!!

Mentally I feel like I have lost the brain fog and my concentration has improved immensely, especially towards the end of the fast!!

Supplements – The supplement I had during the fast helped during the day, I didn’t notice fatigued but it didn’t feel like it was 100% enough at night. Next fast I’m going to try to add in the magnesium and STRJ, other than that I don’t feel like I was missing out on anything else. My tremors were better, almost gone and my eye twitches weren’t that bad. I watched a video with Dr. Berg and he mentioned the twitches and shaking are from lacking calcium, which is what the naturopath said but I never noticed a difference when I took the calcium. I realize now my body just isn’t using it properly and I could probably take some ACV in order to help with that. I’m going to try over the next month to have some lemon water and ACV in the mornings to help with that, and see if it makes a difference. I am also thinking of trying to take some inulin in small doses so that when I do eat the soups they don’t make me so bloated! Now that I’m done with my fast I will continue to take my supplements from the Naturopath but after my next fast, I think I will make an appointment with her to see going forward what I should be taking or what I still need. I’d like to wean myself off a few of them, they’re so expensive!!

Overall this 5 day fast has been a huge success and I wish I would have known about it sooner but I can’t wait until I’m able to do my next one! Let that autophagy do another round of cellular cleanup on me! lol, I love it! I’m going to plan to do regular intermittent fasting over the next month as well. Between 16-24 hour fasts on and off but this weekend I’m taking a fasting break. Let’s just hope I can keep up with eating well over the next month and continue to lose some weight!!!

Day 5 Fast Mimicking Diet

Posted: August 12, 2022 in Uncategorized

This is the last day! Thankfully! I am ready to start eating again. I don’t know if it’s because I know I can eat tomorrow but omg all day I have been craving food like crazy. I have gone to the grocery store twice in the past two days to prepare so that I have healthy options to eat when I get back to eating and I also ordered some good food meals for next week, so I have meals that are healthier and ready to eat. I’m not going to go crazy this month before my next fast but I’m certainly going to be careful eating healthier foods and less crap.

This fast while so far I haven’t lost a ton of weight (3lbs) I do feel a sense of healing, like my skin has cleared up. My legs aren’t aching my knees don’t hurt and even my hips are better. Even my shoulder seems better today. It did ache last night again while sleeping and so did my hips but I’m hoping that’ll subside and I can actually have a better sleep tomorrow night. There’s even less food to eat today. I had just soup for supper, nothing else. I was almost wishing for some olives at the end of the day. haha

Everywhere I look I see something that I crave. I had to stop myself today from trying to eat something. I was light-headed again on and off today but seemed to get better when I drank some LDrink or tea. I can’t say I am loving the hibiscus tea but the other teas have been great and something I would normally have once in a while anyway. The bloating and stomach pains were much better today. I forgot to mention the stomach cramping and bloating I have been experiencing after consuming the soups. I had read somewhere it’s from the Inulin which is a pre-biotic. The peppermint tea and soaking for at least 3 hours or overnight definitely help with that.

I can not wait till I have some food tomorrow. The garlic bread did not happen with supper tonight. Patrick saw that I was struggling today and said it was ok to not make it, Emilie wasn’t as willing but she eventually said it was fine to not have the garlic bread this time. Ah well, it’s not good for them so they aren’t missing anything. That would have done me in for sure, I was only having soup for supper, so the smell of garlic bread cooking. I don’t think I’d be able to do it!

I’m still trying to figure out what I’ll have in the morning to break my fast. I’m thinking some berries…I’m down 3.5 pounds so almost a pound a day but that’s ok. It definitely is not why I’m doing this fast. I really am doing it for the healing, the weight loss is a bonus. I feel like a new person even after coming off my holidays and gaining a couple pounds. During my holidays the inflammation was bothering me and I just needed a refresh. I could tell! And that’s exactly what this has given me, a fresh start to get back into my healthy eating.

Past summers it has taken me into the winter before I start feeling ok after indulging all summer. I can’t say I ate well on my holidays this year but I also didn’t eat a ton of crap either so I only gained a couple of pounds. This fast has got me to the lowest weight I’ve been in years! 199 today!!! Hopefully over the next few days I will shed a bit more weight as I start to eat again. I find when I fast and then I refeed the weight just falls off!! It’s weird because you assume you’d gain… I guess when your body thinks it’s not getting enough calories it just tries to hold onto as much as it can and once it sees you are eating more again it’s like ok I can free up some of this fat! I hope I’m right, another few pounds would be nice!

I have noticed I am going up and down stairs way faster because my knees are so much better. Maybe from the hips as well but I feel like I turned back the clock a few years. Which literally is what my body has done with autophagy. It’s really truly amazing what your body is capable of. You can’t underestimate it. The fact that you don’t need a bunch of drugs to heal your body is mind-blowing to most people. It used to be to me as well but this healthy journey has opened up my eyes. I look at it this way. If I’m capable of creating a whole entire human in me which is mind-blowing in itself, then I can’t underestimate what else I’m capable of. I continue to be amazed every time I fast! The difference I feel when I eat healthy foods and include fasting/intermittent fasting in my life is just incredible. I wish more people would be able to see how great it is for you!

Day 4 Fast Mimicking Diet

Posted: August 12, 2022 in Uncategorized

Now I’m starting to crave foods, I can’t say I’m hungry. When I woke up this morning I had to have something. I was dizzy and just a bit hungry. So I put together my L-drink and had my L-bar poured some coffee and once that was consumed I was fine! Easy-peasy!

I can’t say I’ve really been hungry it’s more just cravings that come and go. I bought Emilie McDonalds the other night and she sat in the car and ate it and that made some major cravings. It was around supper time and I hadn’t had my soup yet so I actually was a bit hungry which didn’t help but once we got home and I made my soup the thoughts about garbage food passed.

I didn’t realize how much snacking I did in the past or how much cravings I would get in the past but I craved all the things I loved today. Chocolate, chips, McDonalds, Pizza. I plan to make spaghetti tomorrow for Patrick and Emilie and if this craving stuff keeps up I won’t be able to make them the garlic bread, it’s my favourite and may just do me in! lol It also didn’t help that there’s less food today to eat. I’m not a big fan of the minestrone soup but it could be worse. It’s tolerable. But those darn olives are just torture. Yuck! Once I’m done with all these fasts if I never see another olive in my life I’ll be happy! Kale crackers, choco crisp, and Lbars are all so yummy though so it’s something to look forward to. I consumed all my snacks early in the day so I only had soup at the end of the day. That wasn’t too bad but next round I may try to save it.

My sleep hasn’t been great, I sleep but I feel sore. My hip aches no matter which side I sleep on and my shoulder is starting to hurt too so if I sleep on my right side my shoulder hurts if I sleep on my left side my hip hurts. So sleep on my back, I don’t like sleeping on my back. The hip thing has been every night of the fast so far but the shoulder pain is something new. It seems like I have random pains in places where I had injuries in the past but I wake up and they are gone. The shoulder pain hopefully won’t be there again tomorrow. I do wake up and I’m not as tired as I usually am and I don’t feel like I need hours to wake up and get energized. So that’s nice. I also noticed today that my knees don’t hurt. They have hurt for probably 4 years after an awful winter where I feel 4 times – twice on each of my knees. So they were often swollen and painful to touch. I was touching around them and was amazed that the pain is gone on the right side and my left just has a little bit of pain. I also tried to massage my back because I keep getting some back pain from a pulled muscle last week and while I was massaging it I went to my hip and my inflammation all around my two hips that’s always there is 60% better. I was actually able to massage the area, where usually I can’t due to pain. That’s something! We’ll see how that goes moving forward and whether the pain comes back once I’m done the fast.

Day 3 Fast Mimicking Diet

Posted: August 12, 2022 in Uncategorized

To be honest I really didn’t think this day was going to go well but what I’m thinking is that the people who had issues with day 3 were people that had never fasted before. I have done day long fasts with only water. I have done week-long juice fasts and I have done intermittent fasting. All these have gained me experience and have made my body used to switching to burning fat. So while day 2 wasn’t the greatest I had a headache I couldn’t shake, I was tired and dizzy. It wasn’t THAT bad, I have felt worse doing fasts. Day 3 I felt fine, I started getting a bit of a headache and was a little dizzy in the morning until I had my morning L-Bar/coffee/tea.

Now from what I understand you’re supposed to cut caffeine out during this 5 day program, though I’m not sure because some places people say they have coffee in the morning (1 cup a Day) and others say no caffeine. I didn’t want to try and cut out coffee for this fast because I wanted to see what the fast was like for me while still consuming it. Would my tremors get better during the fast? This is the time of the month that I have noticed my tremors start to increase and get worse. Does caffeine contribute to the tremors or does food?

So I am happy to say that my tremors have not gotten worse, they seem actually better and almost none existent really. So I can’t attribute them to the coffee I was drinking. Mind you it’s not like I was drinking a ton of coffee. I was drinking a cup of mushroom coffee that has some instant coffee in it but not as much as if I was drinking an entire cup of coffee on its own.

I was also worried that I would be really really tired through this fast. The reason why this worried me was because I have low iron and I have to take a supplement daily or I get wiped within a day or two. I take a handful of supplements daily from my naturopath and I was curious if they really do help me or if I’m just wasting my money. I’ll give you a report on that at the end of this 5 day fast but I am taking a multi-vitamin daily called NR-1 which comes with the program. So does that replace all the other supplements? We shall see.

All in all day 3 wasn’t that bad, there’s less food and the olives yesterday were nasty but thankfully day 3 there’s no olives. Tomorrow I have another 16 olives to eat. I will not miss the olives.

Day 2 FMD

Posted: August 9, 2022 in Uncategorized

Day two of the Fast Mimicking Diet. Honestly, this day was tough because I got a headache in the afternoon that I just couldn’t shake and I was super cold all day. I put a heating pad on my bed and just lay there for a few hours to warm up then I fell asleep!

The rest of the day wasn’t that bad, a little dizzy and really didn’t mind the food again today. I had to eat way more olives today than I ever want to eat but still, I managed. I can’t say I have ever willingly ate an entire olive let alone 18 of them in one day but it’s something I can now check off my list. lol

I heard day 3 is the worst day for feeling like crap so I purposely started my 5 days on a Sunday so that it would fall towards the beginning of the week that I am on day 3. I weighed myself and I lost a pound between Sunday and Monday so I’m thinking probably losing a pound a day. That would be good. Anyways just thought I’d give you an update. I’m actually looking forward to tomorrow because I don’t have to eat Olives at all haha. And I get to eat the Kale crackers which are actually really good.

Things I have noticed, my pains are still lingering but better and my skin has cleared up. I usually get these rashes from the sun over the summer time. I guess it’s an allergy and the rash stays pretty much the entire summer until I start wearing sweaters and shoes again. I looked down at my feet and they were cleared up and my arms are almost cleared up. That is huge and seems like it’s helping. I also feel my skin is way softer and clearer.

I have this ear issue that I’m hoping to clear up in the next few fasts and maybe some of my other pains like knee pain and back pain but we shall see. Once this fast is done I’m going to start doing some stretching and maybe some light weights to see if that helps as well. Sitting all day isn’t making my body very happy that’s for sure!

I’ll update you again after my day 3 is all done!

Have a great day!

Fast mimicking diet

Posted: August 7, 2022 in Uncategorized

Today is day one of my fast mimicking diet with prolon. To be honest I was a little worried because I had read lots of people complaining about the taste of the food. I’m not big on soups and I’m not big on olives. But I thought why not? It’s either this or a water fast and that scares me more.

So far day 1 has gone well. I have enjoyed the l-bar and tomato soup, I didn’t mind the tea and was able to eat all the olives. I’m not that hungry today and hoping that’ll continue through the rest of the 5 days. I have one soup left for today which is minestrone and then tomorrow it’s a new day with new flavors. I actually liked the crackers and the chocolate crisp snack. All in all it’s been a pretty good successful day 1!

Summer update

Posted: July 29, 2022 in Uncategorized

I started seeing the Naturopath back in March and I have come a long way with weight loss (35 lbs). In May/June I started a different food plan with them and it completely threw me off track. Since it’s summer it’s been really hard to get back on track. Thankfully I have been maintaining what I had lost and I have finally gotten below 200lbs but I feel like there’s much more going on in my body that I need to address. Don’t get me wrong the weight loss has definitely helped in some areas such as hip pain but the tremors are still there and the ear pain is still there. The naturopath has given me other stuff to help but it isn’t doing anything. So I am not sure if it’s because I added something back in that’s bothering me or if I’m missing something (vitamin) that I was getting before.

I’ve been wanting to do an extended water fast for a while, mostly for autophagy. Which is a cellular repair process your body goes through when fasting after a certain amount of time without food. I had been doing intermittent fasting for a while and it certainly helped but I feel like if I do a longer fast it will give more time for my body to heal.

The problem is doing extended water fasts scares me, I have done a juice fast for a week and that wasn’t too bad but the thought of only having water worries me. I don’t see my naturopath again until after my holidays and I would really like to do a fast when I get back home. I read somewhere about FMD which is a fast mimicking diet. Had no clue what it was or any of the science behind it so as usual I started researching and it’s basically tricking your body into thinking you’re doing a fast but you’re still eating some food mostly vegetables(soups). Your body will continue with autophagy as long as it’s fasting so it will continue to heal. This kind of thing is what I am looking for, now I’m not sure I’m going to enjoy any of the food and after doing it I might actually decide that doing the water fast is way simpler(and cheaper). Maybe I’ll start this 5 day fast and continue doing it a bit longer as water only, I’m not sure but what I do know is I need to do something. I feel the inflammation in my body, I feel the fullness in my ear and I am worried I’m getting Meniere’s disease because I also get dizzy spells sometimes. Usually, I can get it fixed with a chiropractor adjustment but sometimes the adjustment makes it worse. It could even be possible that Meniere’s disease is part of the tremor issues. I’m not sure I have to research that further but what I do know is after getting my 2nd vaccine last year problems started to happen, the tremors and the ear pain. I don’t know if it just sped up something that I was already going to get or it caused them but it certainly was a contributing factor.

So I ordered Prolon kit which is a 5-day fast mimicking diet program, it’s very little protein and mostly vegetables. I probably will hate it, since I hate vegetables but if i’m still getting nutrients I think it’ll definitely be worth it. Some of the supplements I’ll continue with as well so my iron doesn’t get too low. I can do this once a month for a few months to help heal so after this one I’ll re-assess and see if it’s worth doing again. I’ll also speak with my naturopath about fasting before I start just to see what she thinks in terms of supplements I should take/not take. Especially if eventually I do a water only fast.

Anyway once I start the fast I’ll try to update on my blog so you can see how it’s going. It’s going to be an interesting experience. I can’t wait to see what it does in terms of healing. Don’t care if I lose some weight I just want to feel better and that’s my goal going into it.

In my last post I mentioned that my essential tremors seemed to be better. I didn’t have a chance to explain what that is and what I think might be the cause.

My first vaccine which was Pfizer I got lots of weird side effects afterwards. I had continuous pain in the spot I got the vaccine, the back of my leg got very very sore and my joints were very painful. I had horrible pain in behind my ear in my head and into my jaw. My hands/legs would go numb and tingly while I slept and I had a tingling in my hands even when they weren’t numb. I got super dizzy(vertigo) when I would stand up and I got fever, chills and headaches. I had a racing heart a month later and pains in my chest. I went to the ER and even wore a heart monitor and everything was fine. My body was very tired and weak and my legs especially felt like they were ALWAYS tired, like I ran a marathon. I started feeling better about a month later but some symptoms lingered, especially the leg tiredness. I got my 2nd dose which was Moderna, I didn’t want to but if I wanted to keep my job, I had no choice. Which is awful! Anyways, this time I didn’t get any of the symptoms afterward, other than my arm felt sore. I was so happy that the 2nd time my symptoms were barely there. About a month later I started getting some of my symptoms from the first vaccine (pain in the head/ear and into the neck). I was able to get it better after seeing the chiropractor a few times but my jaw/ear pain is still there to this day. Around Halloween I was obsessed with feeling better and I needed to do something so I decided to cut out gluten and coffee because I suspected that they weren’t helping me heal at all.

The week I decided to quit gluten and coffee was the scariest. It was also the week of my period and I started to get intense vibrations. Not like my hands were shaking and you could see them my entire upper body was constantly vibrating (especially in the middle of the night) It felt like I had shivers but you couldn’t see me shake, my hands, arms, jaw, tongue, chest and stomach all felt like they were vibrating. NOw if I look back I do remember the small vibration feeling in my hand after the first shot. It has been there since then but I didn’t really think much of it. I thought it was because my hands were going numb in the middle of the night while I was sleeping but now that tingling has turned into vibrating. But it always started with the tingling first then just this awful feeling of vibrating and it was way worse when I was laying down in bed. It would wake me up in the middle of the night. This lasted an entire week and it finally started to get better. The things I did – because I was reading non-stop trying to figure this out. I suspected that it was nerve damage of some kind or it could be worsened from cutting out the gluten/coffee. It could have been also from low iron which I suffered from for years. (I was on my period afterall) it could have also been a vitamin deficiency (B vitamin) So I upped my iron, and started taking B vitamins and I waited it out. Things got better but it always came back around slightly around that time of the month. Which led me to believe that it was related to hormones or low iron. Or combination of the two. When I started seeing Ramila these tremors actually started coming back for a bit, but I think it’s possible I changed a bunch of stuff all at the same time (Supplements) so my body needed to get used to a new source of B vitamins and Iron Supplement. Eventually it started getting better but it hasn’t 100% gone away. It still comes back a bit around my time of the month. So do I up my iron intake around that time. Another thing I noticed, I was given some Reishi coffee and I took it for a few days. Then I realized that it actually does have caffeine in it, which I was told it didn’t. So is that exasperating it? I’m not sure because the past couple days since I started taking it, it seems more noticeable. But it’s also that time of the month. I also missed a dose of my supplements yesterday so my iron/b vitamins would have been lower. Could that be causing worse symptoms because this morning I woke up and I was vibrating in the middle of the night. And I couldn’t sleep because I was thinking about all the possiblities of why now.. It’s closer to the end of my cycle. Is it the Reishi coffee or is it that I missed a dose of supplements? I’m not sure but I am going to figure this out!!!