Blogs to blog about

Posted: June 2, 2011 in LCHF/Paleo

I have added a long list of blogs to my daily readings and I have to say, some great information out there. Here are a few that I thought I would share with you that not only were informative but also gave me some great recipes! I love recipes, especially if they are easy and yummy ;) I don’t follow a lot of Gluten free blogs anymore, I did at first, when I went gluten-free but MOST not all have way too much sugar in the foods or they talk about substitutes for processed foods that are still processed (obvious disappointment at the recent gluten-free food fair).. so I got rid of most but the LCHF or Paleo blogs I follow are gluten-free and healthy, which is what I was looking for.

Kicking Carb Clutter – This blog and this post in particular(why does a low carb diet make you feel shaky) I found very helpful, I just found the post today but it already helps explain away the feelings I have had the past couple of weeks since starting eating low carb. In the morning especially I have a bit of the shakes but it goes away throughout the day. I knew it was temporary but it’s always nice to have a confirmation :) P.S make sure to read other blog posts on this blog, they are very informative!!!

The Rogue Cookie – I really love this blog post – three common dieting mistakes.. why? Because it’s true, the people who have been yo-yo dieting for years can relate to one of these three mistakes. It really is about figuring out the why (Why you do what you do) Before attempting any new way of eating.. Correct your mistakes so you don’t keep making them. Again make sure to continue to read other posts, lots of great info such as how to eat on a busy schedule, the benefits of gardening for kids and a yummy recipe the involves peanut butter and whip cream, need I say more?

Healthy Transitions blog – free healthy diet plans is a great blog. Misty is a nutritional advisor and has lost 85 lbs and kept it off.. who better to give advice then someone who has been there.. The blog gives a lot of scientific type info, drugs our food and so much more but her main website features a question and answer section that is very informative. The questions that are asked are ones that are pretty common about different food, natural remedies even feeding your pet. BUT if you look around the website you can find so much more – free diet plans, a list of conditions that are diet related, a list of supplements even shopping lists. Both great, be sure to check them out.

Mark’s Daily Apple – I’m reading Mark Sisson’s book the Primal BluePrint now and so far it’s quite interesting but so is his website.. You really should check it out, I look forward to reading his posts and his website is a wealth of information along with some free downloads. Today’s post is about brushing your teeth.. I love posts that make you think, am I really doing it right?

The Civilized Caveman Cooking – Great recipes like super easy cranberry orange scones, Apple Banana Cookies and Southwestern T-Bone. Makes me want to go home right now and bake while firing up the grill!

That’s it for now, I’ll be sure to keep you posted on more great blogs, posts, forums and websites as I discover them. I might repeat myself but that’s only because someone has posted another thing that is interesting enough to highlight their blog once again.

Don’t forget to check out and LIKE my Facebook page I just created. The goal is to spread the word of the LCHF lifestyle so that we can start getting EVERYONE HEALTHY again.. If you are from another country, start your own LCHF page on Facebook if there isn’t one already and help spread the word.

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